Awesome game. Great plot, extremely long play (for me, maybe 30 hours at Hard level). I actually played it last Christmas with the PS3 I “won” the right to buy on Amazon, but just put this review up because I finished Halo 3.
Category: Personal
Stuff about Dave Kabal.
If you are having any symptoms or feel any discomfort, you may need to see your doctor immediately. You can get prednisone over the counter (otc) or from a doctor's office. A total of 665 patients with head and neck cancer were enrolled and divided into two groups: (1) the non-adherent group and (2) the adherent group.
That is because they are more comfortable and relaxed to live their lives. I am sorry to hear Mymensingh that your experience with the online purchase of tamoxifen 20 mg was not to your liking. The blog is run by its namesake, author, and journalist paul kengor, and its editor is former harvard university assistant professor and author of the conservative mind, john diiulio.
Halo 3 review
Finally played through Halo 3 at Heroic (started at Legendary, got stuck, changed to Heroic).
Here’s my brief review. It’s fun, and plays well. At Heroic, it took me about 20 hours to play through.
BMW 335xi review
I got my new car at the beginning of November, it’s one of the first 2008s to come on the line in Munich. Here’s some of my thoughts on this vehicle. I got the lighter blue (monaco) outside, light tan and walnut interior, and premium, winter, as well as HD radio, USB/iPod and satellite radio packages.
Stumble’d upon’s illusions
Thanksgiving snowstorm
Got a wonderful snowstorm (and some not-so-welcome 9 F temperatures) in the early morning on November 21st just in time for Thanksgiving (American, we already celebrated the Canadian one in October in Montreal).
Here’s some of the stuff I’ve found interesting about Japan. This is my first time back in almost 3 years. Link to the photo gallery.
Daylight Saving Time
Finally upgraded all my computers and slugs to take into account the Daylight Savings Time switch in November versus October. All my computers and clocks seemed to do it all automagically, but my slug didn’t. Here how I fixed the time on the NSLU2 running SlugOS (formerly OpenSlug). This particular slug runs the weather station using wviewweather, so you’ll see a 1 hour (not real) gap in the data when I did the adjustment yesterday.
- login
ipkg update
ipkg remove timezones
ipkg install tzdata-americas
rm /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Mountain /etc/localtime
POCSAG decoding
My current project is to get rid of my digital fire pager (and possibly those of other folks on the department who are interested).
I purchased a Realistic PRO-57 scanner, which is easily modified (done) to add a discriminator output using the excellent instructions here. I also purchased a two level data slicer to provide a serial port output. With the serial input, I can have any computer or slug in my house (with serial-USB adapter) send me an e-mail or a text message when I get a page. I’ll keep y’all appraised if it works out.
Blog action day – the environment
OK, figured I’d put my 2 cents on the environment on this “blog action day“.
Bush pulling out of Kyoto was bad. Bush denying the existence of “Global Warming” (until recently) was worse. Bush still seeking the scientific advice of idiots like Michael Crichton is bad. Gore winning an Oscar was good for “An Inconvenient Truth”. Gore winning the Nobel prize was great.
Flying squirrel
Here’s some pictures I took of a flying squirrel north of my parent’s place in Montreal (it’s at their cottage near Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard)