Technology & Gadgets

Setting up wview (5.5.4) on Ubuntu (9.0.4)

This is an update to a previous post covering the new process for setting up a dedicated server running Ubuntu server edition connected to a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station console via a serial port. There are a few changes because of the architecture of the wview program changing databases from MySQL to SQLite. The machine was an IBM Aptiva 2198  (PIII) with 512MB of RAM, an upgraded Ethernet card and 250G internal hard disk.

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  1. Download ISO for 9.04 Ubuntu Server Edition.
  2. Use PowerISO (Nero, Roxio, ISORecorder, etc.) to burn CD.
  3. Plug computer into network (needed for below step)
  4. Boot to this CD, in install mode (IF you have Windows or remnants of Windows on the target HDD, be sure to boot CD as a LiveCD, in interactive mode, and run the partition editor GParted to delete the remnants of Windoze, which WILL stop the installer from working).
  5. Select Automatic, Use Entire Disk in the options. I had to do Manual, my machine was so old that the 250G HDD wouldn’t work (the dreaded GRUB Error 18) with the BIOS until I set it up as follows: 100 MB = /boot = bootable EXT3, 245G = / = EXT3, 3G = swap.
  6. Configure to taste, you MUST include Apache and PHP (for wviewmgmt to work), etc., then install Server Edition.
  7. Remove CD, boot, type in user name and password. you set above
  8. Type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, type password when prompted.
  9. When done, reboot into GUI (sudo shutdown -r now), login.
  10. Apply updates when prompted. Reboot.
  11. In a terminal window type:
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev libgd2-noxpm-dev gawk tnftp sqlite3 sqlite3-doc libsqlite3-dev php5-sqlite
  12. Download radlib and wview. Put them in your home directory
  13. Open a terminal window:
  14. tar xvzf radlib-2.8.4.tar.gz
    cd radlib-2.8.4
    ./configure --enable-sqlite
    sudo make install
    cd ..
    tar xvzf wview-5.5.4.tar.gz
    cd wview-5.5.4
    HTTP_DOC_ROOT=/usr/local/var/wview/img ./configure --enable-station-vpro --enable-http
    sudo make install-env
    sudo cp -R wviewmgmt /usr/local/var/wview/img/
    sudo cp examples/Debian/wview /etc/init.d
    sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/wview
    cd /etc/rc2.d
    sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/wview S98view
    sudo update-rc.d wview defaults 99
  15. You can use the following two commands to configure the program:
  16. sudo /usr/local/bin/wviewconfig
    sudo /usr/local/bin/wviewhtmlconfig

    If it’s a new install, don’t forget to run vpinstall.

    OR, you can configure your root of your web server to be: /usr/local/var/wview/img (I use webmin to do this, just change the virtual server to point to the new directory from /var/www which is the default). Type the following from a command-line:

    sudo adduser www-data sudo
    sudo visudo

    The second command opens up an editor, you’ll need to uncomment %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL and move it to the bottom, then save and reboot.

    Add the following line at the bottom of the sudoers file editted by the above command:

    www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/wview, /etc/init.d/networking, /usr/local/bin/wviewPlug-updater

    and then open up the lovely admin interface at:

    http://[your server]/wviewmgmt/login.php

    (be sure to change the admin password from wview)

  17. Reboot. Should be all


  • I installed server and then a GUI above to get the priority mechanism of a server, with the user Interface of desktop.
  • Ubuntu is a Debian variant.
  • I enable FTP for uploading the weather files. Whatever you do, if you use FTP, do not move the /usr/local/var/wview/img directory.


  • Changed run-level to 99 per some comments
  • Changed version of wview to 5.5.4
  • Use update-rc.d to edit rcx.d links
  • Added $HTTP_DOC_ROOT setting to eliminate need to copy wviewmgmt directory
  • Changed sudoers file edit to be a little more limited
  • Changed sqlite3-dev to libsqlite3-dev per Larry (thanks)

By Dave

He was born in Canada, but currently lives in Boulder, CO up in Boulder Heights.

5 replies on “Setting up wview (5.5.4) on Ubuntu (9.0.4)”

hello david!
I thought I ask for help wview 5.10.3. The installation instructions I found here
, but became a puzzle in front.
installation of point 3 ahead, the installation proceeds correctly.
I start the final code etc / init.d / wview start.
but the message that the / etc / init.d / folder wview not.
Can you help solve the problems
Thousands of thanks for help
email : [email protected]
t: jari.m


Are you following MY instructions, or the instructions on I did not write the instructions on, nonetheless, I believe the instructions are relatively straightforward (for Debian, you can now use a package to do all the work). If you have problems with my instructions, please comment here. If you have problems with the instructions on, please post them on the forums, where many people can help you out: .

This post is no longer the easiest or best way of setting up wview on Ubuntu. The hard-working folks at wview have built scripts for updating, as well as a Debian package for install/upgrade. No need for such complicated things, I think. I have not yet converted my own installation to the packages. When I do, I’ll update here if I think it’s warranted.

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