
German Coast Guard

Since this is another popular one, and I was fixing up my new WordPress 2.3 tag cloud, which is a little painful for posts with video, I thought I’d add a link to this video:

It works by decreasing bile acids in the digestive system, which in turn leads to decreased absorption of cholesterol. Doxycycline tadalafil tablets cost rapina farmacia san prospero rubato cialis walmart doxycycline tadalafil tablets cost walmart doxycycline 200 mg tadalafil cost walmart. Now it seems that there is a natural treatment that’s safe and works for many patients and could be used to lower the risk of many health problems.

Is it possible to buy doxycycline online without a prescription in dublin ireland. The doxt is a very low power, low cost wireless chip designed for use on the arduino. It can be given orally as a single dose of amoxicillin or two hundred twenty milligrams two times daily for a minimum of five days, as needed for severe infection.


Dry cleaners’ revenge

Got this note on my dry cleaning receipt…

Yes, I do have cats, one of the decided to sleep on my suit before I was to get it cleaned. And I thought that’s what they did for a living


Piano pirate

Heard the article about the mysteriously plagiarized works of pianist Joyce Hatto on one of my podcasts (On The Media). I recognized the story from an earlier online entry (Slashdot). Thought I’d link to the story here, because it’s kind of interesting.




I left the garage door open yesterday for a few minutes while I was putting our recycling in the car (we do not have curb recycling – No curb!). This guy showed up (I reckon, around 6′-7′ long). Click here for the gallery.



Cat and mouse

We saved the mouse, it came back a couple of days later and was promptly dispatched by Boulder… Click here for the gallery.


Personal Technology & Gadgets

HDR photography

Last year in November, Cassie and I visited Bandelier National Monument (funny story, the native Americans were called Anasazi for many years, turns out this was a derogatory term used by other tribes, dirt people, they now refer to themselves as the Pueblo Indians) while we went to Santa Fe, NM. There I encountered a couple of guys with tripods, Canon SLR digital cameras, and the odd habit of taking three identical photos at a time. I asked them if they were using AEB or Automatic Exposure Bracketing on the Canon, and they said why yes. They introduced me to the fun of High Dynamic Range photography. In this technique, three (or more) different exposures (as far apart as possible, like -2, 0, +2) are used to take the same photo. Then in software (I use Photomatix Pro) the photos are combined to produce some fairly startling effects. The interesting thing is that HDR photography can capture situations where the light and dark areas could not normally be captured in a scene at the same time.

Enough talk, here’s some examples of my attempts:


More after the break, or in the gallery


Canada Loonie = US Dollar

September 20, 2007, the Canadian dollar traded above the US Dollar for a short period. Compare to an all time low in the 62 cent range 5 years ago.


Now if only the US would invade just one more country, my Canadian assets could be worth a fortune!

Technology & Gadgets

10 things about WordPress 2.3

I’ll be on the new WordPress as soon as it’s finalized, so read on


The tale of Michael Righi: Papers, Please

Looks like the story of Michael Righi, arrested at a Circuit City in Ohio for failing to show ID, has reached a somewhat happy ending.

Reminds me of this story (this site) and this video.

Technology & Gadgets

Funny linux commands and their results

Check out these priceless geek-jokes.

% got a light?
No match.