

I took some night shots last night with the full moon out. It’s amazing how long the shutter stays open and how much like day the shots look. Check them all out here.

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Personal Technology & Gadgets

HDR photography

Last year in November, Cassie and I visited Bandelier National Monument (funny story, the native Americans were called Anasazi for many years, turns out this was a derogatory term used by other tribes, dirt people, they now refer to themselves as the Pueblo Indians) while we went to Santa Fe, NM. There I encountered a couple of guys with tripods, Canon SLR digital cameras, and the odd habit of taking three identical photos at a time. I asked them if they were using AEB or Automatic Exposure Bracketing on the Canon, and they said why yes. They introduced me to the fun of High Dynamic Range photography. In this technique, three (or more) different exposures (as far apart as possible, like -2, 0, +2) are used to take the same photo. Then in software (I use Photomatix Pro) the photos are combined to produce some fairly startling effects. The interesting thing is that HDR photography can capture situations where the light and dark areas could not normally be captured in a scene at the same time.

Enough talk, here’s some examples of my attempts:


More after the break, or in the gallery


Added online photo gallery

I’ve added a photo gallery (using gallery2) to this installation of WordPress. If you click on the random photo or the page marked “Gallery“, you can see the full-size original, and browse the whole gallery (currently 1000’s of photos, and going up every day).

Technology & Gadgets

Ordered Canon Rebel XTi

As I suspected, Canon is bringing its 10 Megapixel CMOS sensor to the Digital Rebel line . I preordered mine from Amazon .


Despite the many rebates Canon has been offering in the past couple of months (down to $500 for the Rebel XT body-only), I could not bring myself to buy an SLR to move up from 7.1 Megapixels (SD550) to 8 Megapixels, and I didn’t want the size of the 5D or its price.

This is ideal!