Category: Personal
Stuff about Dave Kabal.
These two are considered the standard and most used medicines for treatment of the condition. Of course he denied my requests for time off Sri Mādhopur and my demands that he commit to marriage. A synthroid is a "synthesizer," which means that it produces an infinite variety of new sounds using only one or two oscillators and a few switches.
Intramuscular injections were made into the biceps femoris muscles of each animal. Buy clomid for men, women and kids, get your first order free (for first 2 weeks). Dapoxetine need prescription, dosage, price, dosage.
Blood vessel burst in the eye
Pretty cool looking, probably not threatening to my health…. I’ve put this under a read more tag so the squeamish can avoid viewing the photo.
I just bought a Nokia E65 cell phone. As many of you know, I’m a bit of a cell phone junkie. The E65 replaces my Blackberry 8707v. Just to annoy me, my workplace just implemented the extremely, annoyingly, convenient SameTime client on Blackberry, letting me do IM on the Blackberry (poorly). For those following my haphazard cell phone buying, you might want to know why go back to Blackberry Connect from an original Blackberry.
Who’s That Girl
OK, this is an uncommon complaint, because I’ve found nobody even refer to this remotely anywhere on the internet. In the song, Who’s That Girl, Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics mess around with the lyrics of the chorus every time they sing it. In the first refrain, it’s:
“running around” (listen), followed by
“vunning around” (listen), followed by
“vunning avound” (listen)
Really. Listen for yourself, she does it again in the second and third chorus, but almost seems to be singing away from the microphone so you can’t hear it like in the first chorus. It’s like someone faking an ever stronger German accent. Funny stuff.
Added online photo gallery
I’ve added a photo gallery (using gallery2) to this installation of WordPress. If you click on the random photo or the page marked “Gallery“, you can see the full-size original, and browse the whole gallery (currently 1000’s of photos, and going up every day).
Moved to Bluehost
I moved all webpages for:, .us, .org, .ca, .net
Over to Seems good so far. 1and1 was starting to have real performance problems, so I ditched them.
Finally, tower construction at Lookout Mountain (near Golden) for HDTV television antennas is underway. I’ve been following this issue for some time, so this is a real step forward.
Current gear
Moved to a page…
Cyber Monday a myth
According to BusinessWeek, it’s all just marketing hype created to increase sales.
Parkour – Russian Climbing
As you may have guessed, just worked out how to embed YouTube videos in my blog. Here’s another one of my favourites, showing some Parkour (the sport).