
Election results

For CBS:

I have worked in hospitals, i have worked in a laboratory, and i have worked in the fields of medical equipment manufacturing and pharmaceuticals. In addition to being used as a fertilizer, it is also used as a paxlovid prescription reddit feed additive and dietary supplement. This procedure is called ablation or removal of the testicles.

Works as well as most other shampoos and is great for people who really like their clean, smelling "clean". L'ordre du jour appelle le rapport de evelyne gebhardt, San Cataldo au nom de la commission de l'environnement, de la santé publique et de la politique des consommateurs, sur la proposition de directive du parlement européen et du conseil modifiant la directive 2003/87/ce relative à la médecine et la santé du travail et relative à la réduction de la pollution au travail et de la pollution de l'environnement, la commission europé. It is also used for other purposes such as for anxiety and as a sedative (a.


Nice McCain-Palin bumper sticker

Saw this on interstate 25 between the Springs and Boulder:


Will my vote count? Will those of others in Boulder County?

I’ll update this post as I learn more. On October 27, my wife and I returned our mail-in ballots to the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s office in Boulder. I had filled out the ballot completely, signed the outside, and placed the ballot within the secrecy envelope.


Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (NSFW)

Easily offended folks should not play these videos…. I find these two bits hilarious. First is Sarah Silverman writing a song to her boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel:

See more Sarah Silverman videos at Funny or Die

Then there’s the response from Jimmy Kimmel:

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Ron Howard, Henry Winkler and Andy Griffith endorse Obama

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

God’s politics in 2008

Jim Wallis, an evangelist preacher (Sojourners, God’s Politics) who I respect very sincerely for his consistency and pragmatism, has written a very interesting piece on this election here. Again he is very consistent in bringing up poverty and war as the dominant issues being ignored by many politicians, and he is very much against “non-negotiable” ballot items.


Photos of Greensburg


I’m quite glad I took as many photos as I did of Greensburg after the tornado. They’re slowly filtering off of the internet and into television shows, books and other media.

  • Purdue Alumni Connections (photo of upside down pickup is mine, despite being incorrectly attributed to the author)
  • Weather Channel production (When Weather Changed History (“Green Town”)
  • Many other places…. Just look around the web and see if they seem familiar

He’s not in my family

Terrellita Maverick, 82, says McCain isn’t related, in fact or behaviour.


Conservatives endorsing Obama

Well, it’s not quite a tidal wave, but here’s a quick rundown of current and former conservatives and publications (along with their bonafide conservative credentials) who have endorsed Obama:

There are others here.


Jon Stewart post 9/11

Stumbled across this amazing show on the internet, and remembered watching it right after: