Personal Technology & Gadgets

Bought Nokia E65, may switch yet again soon

I just bought a Nokia E65 cell phone. As many of you know, I’m a bit of a cell phone junkie. The E65 replaces my Blackberry 8707v. Just to annoy me, my workplace just implemented the extremely, annoyingly, convenient SameTime client on Blackberry, letting me do IM on the Blackberry (poorly). For those following my haphazard cell phone buying, you might want to know why go back to Blackberry Connect from an original Blackberry.


Technology & Gadgets

Infrant ReadyNAS NV review

This is a review of the Infrant ReadyNAS NV, not their newer NV+ (featuring quieter operation and an LCD display). This review was written by request (yup, Jason G., I’m talking about you).


Out of the box, this is my favorite computer hardware. I bought a diskless ReadyNAS NV for around $663 including shipping (from and populated it with 4x 750 GB hard-drives. The initial firmware didn’t support these newly released Seagate 750s, so I populated it with 3x 750 until it could. It’s been solid and reliable ever since.

Technology & Gadgets

Linux installed

Finally got my first LINUX server up-and-running for the fire department. It’s a great indication of how some distributions are much better than others. Read on to see how it progressed.

Personal Technology & Gadgets

Moved to Bluehost


I moved all webpages for:, .us, .org, .ca, .net

Over to Seems good so far. 1and1 was starting to have real performance problems, so I ditched them.

Technology & Gadgets

Europe PS3 to have limited PS2 compatibility


Maybe they took out the PS2 chip present in my PS3. It looks like the Europe PS3 is NOT the same as the PS3 in the US.

Technology & Gadgets

No bang, just a whimper

With little ado, Slysoft introduced AnyDVD HD, a utility to rip HD-DVDs. That was quick. I guess after Muslix64 showed this could be done for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray in a week, it was just a matter of time for someone to introduce a user-friendly commercial application that accomplishes the same thing as Muslix64’s script in an elegant way.


If this works with the $200 HD-DVD player from Microsoft, this would be awesome.

Personal Technology & Gadgets

Tower construction underway


Finally, tower construction at Lookout Mountain (near Golden) for HDTV television antennas is underway. I’ve been following this issue for some time, so this is a real step forward.

Technology & Gadgets

Did they really catch you sharing?

Apparently, the DMCA takedowns and RIAA complaints may not be justified. They may not even know if you are, in fact, file-sharing. Check out this scholarly article showing (bookmark it!) they may not have a leg to stand on.

Technology & Gadgets

Password generator

SuperGenPass is a neat utility was called out on TWIT (This Week in Technology). It’s a password generator that allows you to generate passwords for various websites based on a master password. Alternately, you could use the tiered system I’ve used before (1 password for secure websites, 1 password for less secure websites, 1 password for throw-away websites).

Technology & Gadgets

DRM war


As many folks know, Apple CEO Steve Jobs recently posted a provocative article about removing DRM from iTunes. MacroVision (the owner of many DRM technologies) posted a response. And here’s the translation of that response into plain English.